Central Trust of China is a China Taiwan company, located in 49 Wu Chang Street, Section 1, Taipei City 10006. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Central Trust of ChinaAddress: 49 Wu Chang Street, Section 1, Taipei City 10006International Area Code: 886Phone: +886 2 23111511 (30 lines)Fax: +886 2 23814633Contact: President: Jack H Huang; Chairman: Rong-Jou Wang; Foreign Department: Jim Ming Hsieh (Senior Vice President & General Manager) .^^Corr Bkg: Tel: +886 2 23319801; Fax: +886 2 23710289^^^Doc Credits: Tel: +886 2 23319984; Fax: +886 2 23141340^^^Forex: Tel: +886 2 23817196; Fax: +886 2 23711944Email: [email protected]Website: www.ctoc.com.twProduct List: Bills of Exchange, Bonds, Capital Markets, Correspondent Banking, Documentary Credits, Equity Investments, Foreign Exchange, Guarantees, International Settlements, Letters of Credit, Money Markets, Syndicated Loans and UnderwritingClassification: Chiayi, Chungli City, Hsinchu City, Hualien City, Kaohsiung City, Keelung, Sanchung City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Wanhua, Yuanlin.Category Activities: banksEmployees: 1607Type: Savings Bank, Commercial, Offshore and Retail BankingTotal Annual Sales: $49,596,125 (Dec.31 2000)Industry: Banks More Links Central Trust of China Central Trust of China Central Trust of China Central Trust of China Central Trust of China ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments