YINSININTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE LIMITED COMPANY. is a China Taiwan company, located in 5F-1, NO, 16, SUEY YUAN RD., KAOHSIUNG. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: YINSININTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE LIMITED COMPANY.Address: 5F-1, NO, 16, SUEY YUAN RD., KAOHSIUNGInternational Area Code: 886Phone: 886-7-3873368Fax: 886-7-3870477Contact: Richer YehWebsite: www.yinsheng.com.twProduct List: PCB.Classification: Electronic Products & ComponentsCategory Activities: Printed Circuit Board (PCB)Employees: 8Type: ManufacturerYear of Establish: 2003Profile: Our company were established in 1995, specialized in R/D production and sales of AV & CC. For the passing years, we have being devoting ourselves in upgrading our know-how and skills level, in order to provide best service to our customers.Industry: Printed Circuit Board (Pcb) More Links YINSH PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. YIN-SHE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. YINSININTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE LIMITED COMPANY. YIO MAU MECHANICAL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. YI-PHONE INC. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments