SHINY WORLD CO., LTD. is a China Taiwan company, located in 165 Tatun 18th St., Hsintun Dist., Taichung, Taiwan 407. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SHINY WORLD CO., LTD.Address: 165 Tatun 18th St., Hsintun Dist., Taichung, Taiwan 407International Area Code: 886Phone: 886-4-2329-8716/7Fax: 886-4-2329-8718, 2329-8736Email: autolin@ms8.hinet.netProfile: SHINY WORLD CO., LTD. is dedicated in "Auto & Motorcycle Bulbs, Universal Joint Repair Kits, Steering System Parts, C.V. Joints, Drive Shafts, Yokes Flanges" with operations in Taiwan. More Links SHINY TEXTILE CO., LTD. SHINY UP PROSPEROUS CO., LTD. SHINY WORLD CO., LTD. SHIN-YAIN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SHINYBOW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments