SHANG YING CO., LTD. is a China Taiwan company, located in 870 Tunping Rd., Taiping, Taichung Hsien, Taiwan. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SHANG YING CO., LTD.Address: 870 Tunping Rd., Taiping, Taichung Hsien, TaiwanInternational Area Code: 886Phone: 886-4-2270-8077Fax: 886-4-2277-1000Email: iris98@ms49.hinet.netProfile: SHANG YING CO., LTD. is dedicated in "High-Quality Precision Screws, Car Seats, Medical Instruments, Motors, Screw Roads and Scaffold Accessories" with operations in Taiwan. More Links SHANG YIH IRON WORK CO.,LTD. SHANG YIH RUBBER CO., LTD. SHANG YING CO., LTD. SHANG YOU CO., LTD. SHANG YU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments