NET SOURCE NET. CO., LTD. is a China Taiwan company, located in 10th Fl.-5, No. 597, Jiouru 2nd Rd., kaohsiung, Taiwan 849. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: NET SOURCE NET. CO., LTD.Address: 10th Fl.-5, No. 597, Jiouru 2nd Rd., kaohsiung, Taiwan 849International Area Code: 886Phone: 886-7-315-6686Fax: 886-7-315-6687Email: [email protected]Website: www.ns-g.comProfile: Mission We are in business to provide superior product service from Taiwan and China. By becoming a trustworthy, fast responsive, and innovative team member of our worldwide customers, we create value and reduce costs. Co-existing with our customers is the goal of our group of companies. Overview With more than 20 members, each member of our group has extensive working history with many customers (including OEMs) in Middle East, Europe, and North America. Our lines of products are: home appliance, computer parts, networking products, auto parts, and mould making. Four years ago, ... More Links NESTLE TAIWAN LTD. NET PROTON CO., LTD. NET SOURCE NET. CO., LTD. NETCH TECHNOLOGY INC. NETCOM CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments