ASIA MECHATRONICS is a China Taiwan company, located in 7F, 147, YungHo Rd., YungHo Taipei, 234. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: ASIA MECHATRONICSAddress: 7F, 147, YungHo Rd., YungHo Taipei, 234International Area Code: 886Phone: 886 2 29272589Fax: 886 2 2231674Email: biz@asiamechatronics.comProduct List: Manufactures Class 101 and 102 molds in Taiwan and Class 102 and 103 molds at a Chinese factory. Part quality is equal to U.S.-built precision P-20 production molds, with crisp parting lines, SPI-standard finishes, and dimensional tolerance to ±0.002 in. (±0.05 mm). The company is owned by a Chinese-speaking American engineer with 25 years of experience in tooling, molding, and product design. Categories this company is listedunder in the North American Suppliers Directory:Type: In Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Electronics North American suppliers More Links ASIA MACHINE GROUP ASIA MAGNETS CO., LTD. ASIA MECHATRONICS ASIA MECODY CO., LTD. ASIA METAL INDUSTRIES INC. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments