GOOD BIOTECH CORP. is a China Taiwan company, located in 38, 34th Rd., Taichung Industrial Park Taichung, 407. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: GOOD BIOTECH CORP.Address: 38, 34th Rd., Taichung Industrial Park Taichung, 407International Area Code: 886Phone: 886 4 23596873Fax: 886 4 2359041Email: [email protected]Product List: Manufactures duck IgY(-Fc) antibodies and LIT/TIA immunodiagnostic reagents for automatic chemistry analyzers. Products are FDA 510(k) cleared and CE marked. Major IVD products include hs-CRP LIT, BR CRP LIT, duet hs-CRP LIT, microalbumin TIA, ferritin LIT, and transferrin TIA. Antibodies for IVD manufacturing and R&D also are available. The company welcomes OEM, repacking, and distribution cooperation arrangements. Categories this company is listedunder in the In Vitro Diagnostics Suppliers Directory:Type: In Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Electronics North American suppliers More Links GOOD ALL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. GOOD BALL SPORTING GOODS CO., LTD. GOOD BIOTECH CORP. GOOD BOY ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. GOOD CHAIN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments