First Commercial BankはChina Taiwanの会社で、30 Chungking South Road, Section 1, Taipei City 100に位置する。 もっと詳しくは以下のとおりである。 会社情報 会社名: First Commercial Bankアドレス: 30 Chungking South Road, Section 1, Taipei City 100国際エリアコード: 886電話: +886 2 23481111ファックス: +886 2 23610036, 2 23752616コンタクト: Chairman: Jerome J Chen; President: Chien-Chung Tseng; International Dept: Bob K H Ku (Senior Vice President & General Manager); International Department & Correspondent Banking: Shiow-Ling Wu (Assistant Vice President & Division Chief); Foreign Exchange & Finance Department: Horlick Jou (Assistant Vice President & Funding Div. Chief) .メール: [email protected]ウェブサイト:商品リスト: Bonds, Capital Markets, Corporate Banking, Corporate Finance, Correspondent Banking, Documentary Credits, Foreign Exchange, Letters of Credit, Money Markets, Retail Banking, Syndicated Loans and Underwriting分類: Changhua City, Chiayi, Hsinchu City, Hualien City, Ilan City, Kaohsiung City, Keelung, Miaoli City, Nantou City, Penghu, Pingtung City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Taitung City, Taoyuan City, Yuanlin.カテゴリアクティビティ: banks従業員数: 6606タイプ: Commercial, Foreign Exchange and Offshore Banking総年間売上: $125,810,773 (Dec.31 2000)業界: Banks その他のリンク First Commercial Bank First Commercial Bank First Commercial Bank First Commercial Bank First Commercial Bank ‹ 前 | 次 › コメントを投稿するにはログインしてください