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The Farmers Bank of China

The Farmers Bank of China es una empresa China Taiwan, ubicada en 85 Nanking East Road, Section 2, Taipei City 104. más detalles se muestran abajo.

Información de Empresa

  • Nombre de Empresa: The Farmers Bank of China
  • Dirección: 85 Nanking East Road, Section 2, Taipei City 104
  • Código de Área Internacional: 886
  • Teléfono: +886 2 21003456
  • Fax: +886 2 25622161
  • Contacto: Chairman: Chieh-Chien Chao; President: Ching-Chi Huang; Executive Vice-Presidents: Henry K C Chen; Jen-Poo Chen; Ching-chiang Feng; Business Administration: S L Chang (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Planning: William L Chen (Executive Vice-President & General Manager); Consumer Banking: Chun-Nan Chuang (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Banking: Thomas M S Lai (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Foreign: Sheng-Nan Lee (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Specialised Finance Department: Hank C Cheng (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Investigation & Research: Chi-Hong Loh (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Offshore Banking: Sheng-Nan Lee (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Documentary Credits & International Operations: Mr Frank Wang (Assistant Vice-President & Manager & Manager); Correspondent Services, International Division & Foreign Exchange: Frank T S Lin (Vice-President & Deputy General Manager); Wire Transfer: Mr Jack D Lin (Division Chief); Loans Administration: Mr Owen C K Cheng (Senior Vice President & General Manager); Treasury Department: Shen-Hsiung Y T Huang (Senior Vice President & General Manager) .^^Corr Bkg: Tel: +886 2 25237948; Fax: +886 2 25622964^^^Doc Credits: Tel: +886 2 21003128; Fax: +886 2 25373747^^^Forex: Tel: +886 2 21003157; Fax: +886 2 25811041^^^Intl Div: Tel: +886 2 21003128; Fax: +886 2 25373747
  • Sitio web:
  • Clasificación: Changhua City, Chaochou, Chianchen, Chiaoshi, Chiayi, Chichi, Chungho City, Chungli City, Chupei, Chutung, Dashi, Dashung, Fangliao Hsiang, Fengshan City, Fengyuan City, Hsichih, Hsinchu City, Hsinchuang City, Hsinshih, Hsintien, Hsinying City, Hualien City, Huwei, Jente, Kaiyuan, Kangshan, Kaohsiung City, Keelung, Liuqui Hsiang, Lotung, Makung City, Meinung, Miaoli City, Neimen Hsiang, Panchiao City, Peido, Peitueng, Pingtung City, Puli, Putzu City, Sanchung City, Sanhsia, Shalu, Shulin, Taichung City, Tainan City, Taipei City, Taitung City, Tali City, Taoyuan City, Tashu, Toufen, Touliu City, Tsaotun, Tucheng City, Tungkang, Wandan Hsiang, Yuanlin, Yungkang City.
  • Actividades de Categoría: banks
  • Empleados: 2223
  • Tipo: Savings and Universal Bank, Commercial, Corporate, Investment, Mortgage, Offshore, Private, Retail and Wholesale Banking
  • Ventas Anuales Totales: $38,047,126 (Dec.31 2000)
  • Industria: Banks
Más Enlaces

  • The Farmers Bank of China
  • The Farmers Bank of China
  • The Farmers Bank of China
  • The Farmers Bank of China
  • The Farmers Bank of China, Hsin Yih Branch

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