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Cosmos Bank, Taiwan

Cosmos Bank, Taiwan es una empresa China Taiwan, ubicada en 39 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei City. más detalles se muestran abajo.

Información de Empresa

  • Nombre de Empresa: Cosmos Bank, Taiwan
  • Dirección: 39 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei City
  • Código de Área Internacional: 886
  • Teléfono: +886 2 27011777
  • Fax: +886 2 27849842, 2 27849848
  • Contacto: Chairman: Sheng-Fa Hsui; President: C C Hu; International Banking Department: Alex Wang (Executive Vice President & General Manager); Correspondent Banking: S J Tang (Assistant Vice-President); Offshore Banking: Kevin Chang (Assistant Vice-President); Documentary Credits: Li-Shang Yu (Assistant Vice-President); Remittances: Emma Yeh (Assistant Vice-President); Treasury, Money Markets & Foreign Exchange: Ophelia Liu (Vice-President) .^^Intl Div: Tel: +886 2 23263726; Fax: +886 2 27541742^^^Treasury & Money Markets: Tel: +886 2 23263741, 2 23263742; Fax: +886 2 27541747
  • Correo electrónico: [email protected]
  • Sitio web:
  • Lista de Productos: Bills of Exchange, Corporate Finance, Documentary Credits, Foreign Exchange, Guarantees, Internet Banking, Letters of Credit, Money Markets and Syndicated Loans
  • Clasificación: Changhua City, Chungho, Chungli City, Fengshan City, Hsinchu City, Hsinchuang City, Hsintien, Kaohsiung City, Keelung, Kuei-Jen, Lu-chou City, Panchiao City, Pingtung City, Sanchung City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Touliu City, Tucheng City, Yungkang City.
  • Actividades de Categoría: banks
  • Empleados: 1866
  • Tipo: Savings and Universal Bank, Commercial, Mortgage, Offshore and Retail Banking
  • Ventas Anuales Totales: $25,196,778 (Dec.31 1999)
  • Industria: Banks
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  • Cosmos Bank, Taiwan
  • Cosmos Bank, Taiwan
  • Cosmos Bank, Taiwan
  • Cosmos Bank, Taiwan
  • Cosmos Bank, Taiwan

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