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Pin-Hua International Company, Limited.

Pin-Hua International Company, Limited. es una empresa China Taiwan, ubicada en 6F-1, 79, Shuang Shih Rd., Sec. 2,. más detalles se muestran abajo.

Información de Empresa

  • Nombre de Empresa: Pin-Hua International Company, Limited.
  • Ciudad/Provincia: Newtaipeicity,22043
  • Dirección: 6F-1, 79, Shuang Shih Rd., Sec. 2,
  • Código de Área Internacional: 886
  • Teléfono: +886-222526555
  • Contacto: Hung Cheng Lai
  • Actividades de Categoría: Restaurants Industry
  • Empleados: 5
  • Ventas Anuales Totales: $0.87M
  • Perfil: Pin-Hua International Company, Limited. is located in New Taipei City, Taiwan and is part of the Restaurants Industry. Pin-Hua International Company, Limited. has 30 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.87 million in sales (USD).
Más Enlaces

  • Long He Restaurant Company,Limited.
  • Chieh Tzu Food Company, Limited.
  • Pin-Hua International Company, Limited.
  • Tou Hsi Wu Restaurant Company, Limited.
  • Kublai Khan Cuisine Consultant Company, Limited.

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