إنها CITI INTERNATIONAL GROUP هي شركة واحدةChina Taiwan، وتقع15F,NO.868-6,CHUNG-CHENG ROAD. CHUNG HO CITY Taiwan . مزيد من التفاصيل هي على النحو التالي.
معلومات عن الشركة
اسم الشركة : CITI INTERNATIONAL GROUP عنوان : 15F,NO.868-6,CHUNG-CHENG ROAD. CHUNG HO CITY Taiwan رمز المنطقة الدولية : 886هاتف : 886 - 2 - 82277709 بالفاكس : 886 - 2 - 82277710 اتصل : Ben Kuo Product Manager الموقع : www.citicomputer.com قائمة المنتجات : Because the global demand for computer and tele-communcation industries are increasing largely and internet had improved human beings a more quick, more mutual life. Certain internet related products remain in high growing rates.CITI Computer, A domestic information technology "new star" is shining brightly. After year 2000's hot sale of E-star8870 computer cases, the products are all welcomed by the consumers. In 2002, CITI Computer is entering the markets of internet communication, Aluminum, PC,IPC, Server, Power Supply Switch hub. Just like any IC designing company, CITI COMPUTER is using the Fabless operation mode successfully, which is by using the professional teamwork system of "virtual factory", which is to process raw materials in another country. We positioned ourselves mainly in product development and design, systematic information integration and develop an international market network. We design a "Fighting RDS Office" in our Taipei and Shanghai branch. Furthermore, we also introduce a new technological team which will be fully concentrated in creating products which is needed in the market. Now CITI COMPUTER's OEM are in mainland China and we also own another company "Wei-shung technology" which releases shares and is the main retailing company of a series of high quality computer cases, PC, IPC, SERVER and now our company is negotiating more product retailing rights with many world famous information technology companies. تصنيف : Computer and Electronics Video and Cameraعدد الموظفين : 11 - 50 النوع : Computer and Electronics Video and Cameraسنة التأسيس : 1999 صناعة : Computer And Electronics Video And Camera
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