إنها MAISTEK CORPORATION هي شركة واحدةChina Taiwan، وتقعNo.66, Kuang Fu North Road Hsinchu Industrial Park Hu-Kou Hsin Chu Taiwan 303 . مزيد من التفاصيل هي على النحو التالي.
معلومات عن الشركة
اسم الشركة : MAISTEK CORPORATION عنوان : No.66, Kuang Fu North Road Hsinchu Industrial Park Hu-Kou Hsin Chu Taiwan 303 رمز المنطقة الدولية : 886هاتف : (8863)5972831 (+886-(8863)5972831) بالفاكس : (886-3)-5972833 (+886-(886-3)-5972833) اتصل : Mr Wong, Max الموقع : www.itactrade.org/vender/70527689 قائمة المنتجات : Putting Theory into Practice Maistek was established in June 2000. Prior to that, our technical team spent two years of extensive studies on plasma display theory, circuit design, addressing methods and image processing. Now, we are ready to design and manufacture high-quality plasma display monitors and TVs. Over half of our staff are R&D engineers with backgrounds in the electronic and mechanical engineering, materials science and computer science fields. Moreover, our engineers have experience working for electronic circuit design, machinery production and media storage production companies. State-of-the-art TV Technology For the latest advances in product development and quality, we cooperate with Imaging Systems Technology (IST), a US-based company devoted to new plasma display panel (PDP) configurations. For 30 years, IST researchers have studied plasma physics, plasma display theory and driving methods. As a result of this partnership, we can offer you a new series of PDP designs, including cutting-edge touchscreen panels. Worldwide TV Solutions Our plasma screens are designed for airports, train stations, trade shows, electronic kiosks and video conferencing. We are pleased to work with your OEM specifications. We also market our Maistek brand worldwide and welcome new partners to our distribution network. At Maistek we believe that extensive research creates value in products, value that we can pass on to our customers. Your satisfaction is our goal. For more details, contact us today. النوع : ConsultantManufacturerExporterسوق التصدير : Worldwideملفات المستخدمين : Putting Theory into Practice Maistek was established in June 2000. Prior to that, our technical team spent two years of extensive studies on plasma display theory, circuit design, addressing methods and image processing. Now, we are ready to design and manufacture high-quality plasma display monitors and TVs. Over half of our staff are R&D engineers with backgrounds in the electronic and mechanical engineering, materials science and computer science fields. Moreover, our engineers have experience working for electronic circuit design, machinery production and media storage production companies. State-of-the-art TV Technology For the latest advances in product development and quality, we cooperate with Imaging Systems Technology (IST), a US-based company devoted to new plasma display panel (PDP) configurations. For 30 years, IST researchers have studied plasma physics, plasma display theory and driving methods. As a result of this partnership, we can offer you a new series of PDP designs, including cutting-edge touchscreen panels. Worldwide TV Solutions Our plasma screens are designed for airports, train stations, trade shows, electronic kiosks and video conferencing. We are pleased to work with your OEM specifications. We also market our Maistek brand worldwide and welcome new partners to our distribution network. At Maistek we believe that extensive research creates value in products, value that we can pass on to our customers. Your satisfaction is our goal. For more details, contact us today.
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